Alya in Corrie accuses Lucy of covering murder evidence that could free Stu

Alya Nazir (Sair Khan) is continuing to investigate Stu Carpenter’s (Bill Fellows) past in Coronation Street, hoping she’ll find a scrap of evidence that proves he didn’t murder Charlie.

Coming up, the storyline takes an interesting turn as Alya focuses on Lucy (Lynda Rooke), Stu’s ex-wife, and starts to wonder if she may be hiding something.

At the start of the week, Stu is feeling nervous ahead of spending time with granddaughter Eliza at Speed Daal.

Fortunately, the meeting goes really well, but the mood changes when Lucy arrives and insists that Bridget (Beth Vyse) and Eliza leave right away.

Meanwhile, at No.3, Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) tells Alya that there was no trace of Stu’s DNA on Charlie’s bag, but it will be expensive to get the evidence re-tested and discover whose DNA is on it.

Later on, Alya spots Bridget, Lucy and Eliza leaving Speed Daal and runs after them, accusing Lucy of hiding vital information linked to Stu’s case.

Believing Lucy knows more than she is letting on, Alya is determined to find the cash for that all-important DNA test.

Back at home, Stu tells Yasmeen (Shelley King) and Alya that he no longer wants to pursue the case and simply wants to leave the past in the past…but what will Alya do next?

Suspicions around Lucy are rising, but will Alya follow through with her plan to get enough money together?

Will that DNA test be the key to finding out who really killed Charlie?

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