Amy sickened as rapist Aaron moves on to another girl in Coronation Street

Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) is set to get a big shock as she spots rapist Aaron Sandford (James Craven) making a move on another girl in upcoming Coronation Street scenes.

Amy has been struggling to cope after being raped by Aaron in March, and this is set to continue as she is forced to watch him move on with his life.

Despite Amy reporting him to the police, the case was dropped, meaning that Aaron has been able to go about his life as normal.

This is something that Amy is ‘definitely struggling’ with, as actress Elle Mulvaney exclusively revealed to

‘She’s trying to keep her distance from him at all times, but its difficult because it’s only a small street.

‘She’s got friends who are friends with him, she knows that he’s still got his job, so there’s a lot of other things that go into it which is really quite difficult, because how do you come to terms with living across the street from your rapist?’

On top of this, Aaron has so far refused to acknowledge that he has done anything wrong, leaving Amy devastated.

Though Amy tries to put the ordeal behind her by arranging a date with classmate Ezra, it is clear that she is having doubts.

Things only get worse for Amy when she spots Aaron kissing another girl in Victoria Garden, leaving her feeling sick with worry.

She opens up to friend Aadi (Adam Hussain) about what she has seen, revealing that she finds is hard to see Aaron just getting on with his life after what he put her through.

As Amy later explains what the girl looked like, Summer Spellman (Harriet Bibby) comes to the realisation that it is Mia, Aaron’s ex girlfriend.

Desperate to stop her from getting hurt, Amy sends her a text, warning her of what Aaron is really like.

When Mia shows Aaron what Amy has said, how will he react?

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