Ashley Graham Sleeps With Her MOUTH TAPED SHUT! WTF?!

Ashley Graham has a method to her madness!

What may have initially looked like a horror movie scene to followers of the model actually has a very strategic purpose. If you keep up with the 35-year-old on Instagram, you may have seen an image of her with her mouth taped shut Sunday. Weird, right? Well, she begs to differ.

In her Story post, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model shared that she started practicing the ritual to get some “better” rest! She explained:

“I started taping my mouth shut when I sleep and I have never slept better – and even better when I wake up. Don’t knock it till you try it!!”

Wow! You know, we really can’t judge — the mother of three needs every bit of quality rest she can get! And apparently it does work!

According to the Sleep Foundation, taping your mouth during sleep can help prevent snoring, dry mouth, bad breath, cavities, gum disease, and more! We imagine one would just need to have extremely clear nasal passages already to safely try out the trend! LOLz!

Would YOU ever tape your mouth to sleep better, Perezcious readers? Share in the comments down below!

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