Dr. Oz complains of crudité prices at Wegners, a grocery store that doesnt exist

I’ve been following the Pennsylvania Senate race just because it’s one of the funniest things to ever happen in modern politics. Democratic candidate John Fetterman is a beloved born-and-bred Pennsylvanian pol who looks like a retired WWE star. He’s running against Dr. Mehmet Oz, a New Jersey resident and clinical whack job. One of the most amazing things about Fetterman is that he’s very sharp, funny and very online. For months, he’s effectively waged a brilliant online campaign against Oz. Is Fetterman kind of sh-tposter? Yes, but I love it. He’s always making fun of Oz and his New Jersey residency on Twitter and Fetterman’s deft political comedy is done perfectly.

So, on Monday – which happened to be Fetterman’s birthday – Oz decided to make a video complaining about inflation and grocery prices. He claimed he was inside a “Wegners” which is a grocery store that does not exist. In the Northeast and mid-Atlantic, there is a Wegmans grocery chain. In Pennsylvania, there is also a Redner’s grocery chain. But “Wegners” does not exist. To make matters worse, Oz is trying to point out the inflation on… crudité. That’s the word he uses.

— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) April 6, 2022

My first question is… people eat raw broccoli with guacamole??? Gross. Anyway, Oz is completely ridiculous and Fetterman began clowning on him immediately:

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) August 15, 2022

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) August 15, 2022

Buy Local.

Shop Wegners.

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) August 15, 2022

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