Brits are most adventurous aged 22 – from skydiving to travelling abroad solo

Brits reveal their most adventurous stories with Mentos

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But 18-24-year-olds are most likely to make the claim (79 percent), with 55-64-year-olds the least (33 percent).

The risks people feel they have taken in life include everything from booking a last-minute holiday (23 percent), to quitting their job without having another lined up (24 percent).

Others have experienced adventure via abseiling (12 percent), travelling abroad solo (20 percent), and going skinny dipping (12 percent).

Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) have done something outside their comfort zone – including speaking to people they’ve never spoken to before (52 percent), and doing something alone (51 percent).

But many would like to be more adventurous, by doing things such as moving to another country (11 percent), skydiving (nine percent), and setting up their own business (eight percent).

The study, commissioned by Mentos Gum, also found saying yes to new things makes people feel excited (36 percent) and confident (26 percent) – but also apprehensive (32 percent).

And 30 percent think stepping out of their comfort zone has boosted their confidence, while one in four felt the need to try something new due to being bored.

Kim McMahon, from the gum brand, said: “It’s great to see how adventurous adults are. Whether big or small, taking a step outside your comfort zone can be daunting, yet confidence boosting.

“It’s a common phrase that we only regret the things we didn’t do in life, and it’s interesting to see the older generation polled would encourage youngsters to take new opportunities that come their way.

“We want to help inspire the nation by saying “yes” to more, especially this summer after the past couple of years – there is no better time.”

The study also found 45 percent typically agree to opportunities that come their way, while 29 percent usually opt for “no”.

But this has left one in three (34 percent) wishing they’d said “yes” more often when looking back on their life.

It also found 29 percent of those polled, via OnePoll, believe caring less about what people think has helped them become more adventurous.

And three in ten admitted they’re more likely to do something daring with others than alone, having felt inspired by their friends (29 percent), partner (27 percent), or their child (22 percent).

Life experiences have also influenced how adventurous or carefree adults are – including becoming a parent (24 percent), graduating from university (21 percent), and a health scare (20 percent).

Entertainers Woody and Kleiny, who feature in a video by the gum brand trying to get people to say “yes”, said: “We had an amazing time finding out what adventures await the public this summer – it was a real mixed bag of holidays, zip-lines, and even sky dives.

“People were laughing, getting involved, and we even managed a couple of pranks too.

“Don’t let the fun stop after your twenties – life is 100 percent more fun when you’re ready to try new things.”

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