I bought chairs on Facebook and only just realised theyre from McDonalds

A woman who bought her dining chairs at a bargain price has recently found out the furniture was stolen McDonald's furniture.

Mar, from the US, saw the minimalistic, monochrome chairs on Facebook Marketplace three years ago.

The wooden back support featured thick and thin stripes in a leaf-like pattern.

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And Mar said the purchase was "a steal" — paying only $100 (£78) for four of the items.

But yesterday, the TikToker realised she got scammed when she found out where the furniture came from.

"Three years ago I bought these chairs off a Facebook marketplace and immediately the guy deleted his Facebook page, which was a red flag," she explained while sitting in a car.

"But I thought those were cute and always wondered where they are from. Here's the chair."

She posted a picture of how she styled the four chairs with the black dining table and other dark coloured decor in her apartment.

"And here's what I saw last night in the South Georgia McDonald's," Mar then revealed, showing a short clip.

In the three-second footage, she opened a door and walked into the fast food restaurant, where a row of identical chairs were put upside down on the tables.

At this point, Mar's friend burst into laughter and said: "Identical!"

Mar also confirmed and added: "They are identical, those are stolen McDonald's chairs.

"McDonald's I will kindly return these stolen artefacts to you. I will apologise, I know you've been spiralling out of control missing these chairs — look no further they're in my home."

Viewers were left in stitches and some shared a similar experience.

One wrote: "Bought a TV once off Facebook Marketplace and ended up being a McDonald's menu screen."

Another commented: "Never would have guessed McDonald's! They are cute with your table!"

And a third gave his honest opinion on those chairs, saying: "They are cute and probably durable as f*** as well."

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