Pregnant woman outraged as husband plans month-long trip around babys due date

A mum-to-be has been left raging after her husband decided to head on a month-long holiday with his mates around her due date.

The pregnant woman revealed how her partner has been planning this trip with his pals for around four years but faced setbacks.

And now it's finally happening, although it's around the time she's due to give birth to their first child together.

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What's worse is that her husband is determined to fulfil the plans even though it means leaving his wife to go through labour alone.

Posting on Reddit, the 21-year-old said: "My husband has been planning a trip for about 4 years with some close friends.

"The trip kept being postponed due to some of his friends having family deaths, financial issues, and unfortunate world events."

She added: "My husband is finally gonna be able to leave within 2 months, but I'm pregnant – and he is leaving near my due date.

"This is my first child and I don't want to go through childbirth alone. I don't have family other than my husband.

"My dad is dead and mum is ill, all I want is his support, but he's making me feel really bad for asking him to postpone the trip."

And to make matters more complicated, the husband has a son from a previous relationship meaning she has to look after him too.

The mum is unsure of what to do and wants her 27-year-old husband with her.

She added: "He told me that it's honestly not that big of a deal.

"He said when he was at the hospital for his son from a previous relationship that the birth only took an hour.

"I also don't want to care for his son after I come home from the hospital alone.

"My husband plans on being away for a month and has sole custody.

"His son goes to his mum's every other weekend but that's all, and sometimes his mum won't even show up."

People on Reddit were firmly on the woman's side, with many suggesting it's unfair for her husband to go on the trip.

One said: "If he can't put his child first before it's even born it doesn't speak well of how he will be after.

"It takes two to make a baby and shouldn't be all your responsibility to take care of it."

Another added: "Pack him a nice suitcase and tell him not to come back."

A third slammed: "He has his priorities messed up."

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