Retailer asks people to guess what popular product is – and many have no clue

People are only just realising that the bottom of a walking stick has a name – and apparently they are a best seller in the UK.

The aids are a help to many from people with disabilities to the elderly who may find it difficult to get by without one.

Despite many walking aids being in use whether that be in hospitals, care homes or for help out and about – it seems that a lot of people are not clued up about the walking aid.

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James Timpson, Chief Executive of the British and Irish retailer Timpson Group, took to Twitter to see if his 160,000 followers could identify a bunch of circular objects.

"We are the UK’s biggest seller of this product", the cobbler revealed.

"Do you know what they are??"

It wasn't long until people fled to the comments to share their guesses.

One person commented: "My guess was football boot replacement studs but other replies suggest that’s wrong."

Another user questioned: "Small hats for even smaller mice?"

While a third wrote: "Car cigarette lighters."

But the above were not correct – although some were bang on the money.

"Walking stick ferrules?" one answered.

James then put people out of the misery and revealed that the rounded pieces are in fact walking stick ends which are called ferrules.

"You guessed right…these are ferrules, which go on the bottom of walking sticks," the Chief Executive praised.

It seems that ferrules are in top demand as well as Timpson stores sell thousands of them each week.

"We sell around 4,000 a week through our shops", James added.

No wonder why as the purpose of the ferrule is crucial as they protect the bottom of the walking aids – especially wooden sticks – so they do not split upon impact.

Turns out that ferrules are super important, so good job we know the name and what they are now!


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