Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for October

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Halloween is around the corner and it’s finally time to tell all your spooky stories, Gemini! October starts off with optimism on overdrive as Venus in Libra meets with Jupiter in Aries on October 1. The two luckiest planets in the sky will mingle in the areas of your birth chart that represent joy, pleasure, indulgence, celebration, community, hopes, and dreams! This is a day to focus on what inspires you. Romantic matters receive a boost, and someone may be declaring their love for you in a very PDA way. You might even finally decide to become Instagram official with a lover. Enjoy! The following day Mercury, your planetary ruler, finally goes direct in Virgo. That’s right, Mercury Retrograde is finally over! If you’ve been sorting through drama with roommates, looking for a new living situation, or eye-rolling at heaps of family drama, issues begin to smooth out.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 highlights your need for community and connection in your life. You might celebrate a milestone achievement with loved ones. If you’re part of a community organization, perhaps you’re in the midst of launching a fundraiser. Surrounding yourself with friends is a wonderful way to amplify the positive feelings of this Full Moon. Of course, there is always the chance for some drama to show up. But that will just make it a more memorable evening, right? Mercury re-enters Libra on October 10, uniting your mind. If you’ve been hoping to move forward on a creative project, you may suddenly be flooded with ideas. Your mental world could use more fun–from reading more books to trying new things. Put yourself out there!

Watch out for promises that seem too good to be true on October 11, when Mars in Gemini clashes with Neptune in Pisces. Your personal goals and ambitions may start to create some tension with your boss or in the workplace. Remember, Neptune brings a fog that keeps you from seeing the full picture right now. On October 19, the Sun and Venus clash with Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto likes to unearth whatever you’ve been avoiding. It may feel easier to give into vices or escapist tendencies, but this will leave you with more than a headache tomorrow. Do your best to reflect on your fears with an open heart and give yourself some extra self-love and self-forgiveness.

On October 22, the Sun and Venus, both in Libra, meet at the same exact point in the sky, forming a cazimi. When Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, sits in the heart of the Sun, it is reborn, and so is the area of your birth chart Venus is in. For you, Gemini, this is an invitation to reconnect with your inner child, creativity, and hobbies. You may receive realizations about creative pursuits, children, or how to bring more fun into your life. This is a wonderful time to sink deeper into your gratitude for how far you’ve come and all you’ve accomplished. Celebrate yourself!

The following day on October 23, the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio. You’re focusing on your routine, schedule, health, and habits for the next month. You may feel like there’s more flow in your daily routine. Take this opportunity to start healthier habits that will bring you closer to your dream life. Generally speaking, this is a more harmonious time at work and with colleagues.

Cosmo Merch: Gemini

A New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 activates the area of your chart that governs your health and habits. What new chapter are you ready to begin? Fated events can unfold right now. If you’ve been ready to kick a bad habit, let this solar eclipse do the trick! Jupiter takes one final dip into Pisces on October 27, delivering a dose of luck and fortune to the career sector of your chart. This can be an incredibly lucky time for your work and reputation. People in positions of power are recognizing your value. This could signal a new chapter in your career–where do you want to head next?

On the same day, you’ll benefit from sharing your raw feelings and emotions as Mercury in Libra forms a tense square with Pluto in Capricorn. Remember, naming your fears can help loosen their grip. You’re ready to use your pain as creative fuel. Watch out: If you’re dating, themes of jealousy, manipulation, obsession, or paranoia could seep into your dynamic. This is the time to call out any power struggles or imbalances.

On October 30, Mars Retrograde begins in your sign. Consider this a prolonged period of self-reflection. Mars will remain in your sign until March 2023! During this retrograde, you are tasked with revisiting some of your personal goals, your identity, and the way you show up in the world. By March of next year, you’ll be ready to show off a new side of yourself. Don’t be afraid to invest in you!

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