Tiny Shetland pony Peaches shocks vets after giving birth to donkey

Owner Lauren Mosgrove put 30in tall Peaches in a field with a 53in donkey believing they could not breed due to the size difference.

Shetland pony Peaches with Katie, who is classed as a hinny, a half-horse, half-donkey

She was amazed when Peaches had 20in horse/donkey cross Katie.

Lauren, who lives in Jedburgh, Scotland, with fiance Peter, 44, and son Matthew, four, said: “We still can’t believe it.

“Katie was standing within five minutes and suckling straight away.

“I want to keep them together forever.”

Vet Iain Laghangie said he had never seen a similar case in 22 years.

He said: “The mum has coped really well.

“They can adapt to carry a bigger foal.”

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