Boarding Schools in Canada

Boarding Schools in Canada

Private boarding schools in Canada are a unique combination of traditional and progressive approaches to education. A Canadian school education opens the door for graduates to the world’s leading universities. At the same time, the cost of studying here is far lower than in the United States or Europe.

The Canadian School System

Primary and high schools in Canada begin with preparatory classes called kindergarten (age 5) or first grade (age 6). The school program lasts 12 years in all provinces except Quebec, where children finish school a year earlier, at age 16. The school year consists of two semesters and lasts approximately 180 – 190 school days.

As in other English-speaking countries, the school curriculum is particularly flexible: high school and secondary school students choose independently which subjects they want to study in addition to their main subject. The learning process involves a great deal of independent work. In addition, children are required to play sports and participate in a variety of extracurricular activities.

The standard of schooling in Canada is extremely high. Public educational institutions receive regular financial support from the national government, which creates comfortable learning conditions and maintains high academic standards at each institution. At the same time, education in public schools is free of charge for Canadian citizens. For these reasons, the majority of the local population (about 95%) studies in municipal schools.

Foreigners, who pay a relatively low fee – about $12,000 per year – are also entitled to study in public educational institutions. However, in most cases, students from abroad choose private schools in Canada. Although the standard of education in Canadian schools is generally higher, private schools are usually more comfortable than public schools and offer more opportunities for children’s development.

Benefits of studying in Canada

Quality. Canadian education is known for its quality and is considered very reputable and accepted in different countries around the world. This means that if you plan to not only travel and work in Canada, it will not be as difficult to find a job. The fields of medicine, engineering, computer science, law and business are considered particularly prestigious.

Vancouver has repeatedly been ranked #1 in the world for quality of life.

The cost of getting an education in Canada is several times less than in the United States, and the quality is not bad either. For this reason, many Americans can be found in Canadian universities.

There is no need to enter Foundation (the so-called pre-university preparatory program)there is no need to spend an extra year preparing for university studies as you would in the UK or Germany.

For those who feel uncomfortable with a lack of English (or those who do not do well in IELTS), the school offers English courses designed to help prepare you for university English studies.

In Canada, they treat immigrants well because they are the largest share of the population here. Therefore, you are unlikely to feel out of place, as more than half of the students will be in the same position as you. In addition, Canadians are very politically correct people, so they treat everyone with respect, are very friendly, and are always ready to help.

Canadian Boarding School Admissions and Tuition

The price of a boarding school education in Canada is very different from similar programs in the United States or Europe. The average annual cost is approximately $50,000 Canadian dollars. This amount usually includes all costs associated with education and accommodation.

Many private schools accept new students not only in September, but also in the middle of the year. To enter a Canadian school, foreigners must

  • Identify the educational institution.
  • Fill out an application form and pay a processing fee (about $200).
  • Pass a test of academic knowledge: SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test) or CAT (Canadian Achievement Test). Some schools may also require you to write an essay or take an internal exam.
  • Pass a foreign language test: ELTS or TOEFL. if the student will be studying in French – DALF.
  • A score sheet for the last 2 years.
  • Attend an interview with a school representative (usually via Skype).
  • Pass a medical examination.

Applications are usually accepted throughout the year. However, it is advisable to specify the conditions of the particular educational institution. And don’t forget to take into account the time of obtaining a visa – it is highly discouraged to be late for classes at the school.