Hunter Biden is seen smoking drugs and drinking during detox session

Naked Hunter Biden filmed himself smoking drugs, drinking hard seltzer, and fondling himself while floating inside a sensory deprivation tank – one month after convincing dad Joe to wire him $20k for his detox program

  • Hunter Biden is seen smoking, drinking and touching himself in a float tank at a Massachusetts wellness center in January 2019
  • The president’s son took the video of himself – retrieved from his abandoned laptop – while he was meant to be undergoing detox treatment 
  • Text messages seen by confirm the seven-minute clip was recorded at Blue Water Wellness in Newburyport, Massachusetts
  • The video begins with a nude Hunter floating in the water and touching his genitals as music plays in the background 
  • He later proceeds to take several hits from what appears to be a crack pipe and stares wild-eyed into the camera as ambient music plays in the background
  • Just one month earlier Hunter had texted his dad Joe complaining that he didn’t have enough money for the treatment program on top of bills and alimony
  • Joe later agreed to wire his son $75,000 to cover the costs as well as an additional $20,000 for a treatment program in New York City 

Sleazy Hunter Biden is seen filming himself smoking drugs and fondling himself inside a sensory deprivation tank – during a detox program funded by his dad Joe. 

The president’s exhibitionist son, 52, is bathed in trippy green light as he floats naked on his back and plays with himself in the shocking cell phone video retrieved from his abandoned laptop. 

He leaves briefly to grab a can of White Claw hard seltzer and what appears to be a crack pipe before taking several hits and staring wild-eyed into the camera as ambient music plays softly in the background. 

Text messages seen by confirm the seven-minute clip was recorded at Blue Water Wellness in Newburyport, Massachusetts, where Hunter booked a float therapy session on January 30, 2019. 

New footage has emerged of Hunter Biden smoking drugs, drinking, and fondling himself while floating in a sensory deprivation tank in January 2019 

The video, recovered from a backup of his cell phone found on his abandoned laptop, shows the president’s son bathed in trippy green light and indulging in drugs and alcohol as he floats in the water

Text messages seen by confirm the seven-minute clip was recorded at Blue Water Wellness in Newburyport, Massachusetts, where Hunter booked a float therapy session on January 30, 2019

He was urged to visit the spa by a therapist pal, whom the First Son had turned to for help in his battle to kick drugs. 

Just one month earlier Hunter had texted his dad Joe complaining that he didn’t have enough money for the treatment program on top of bills and alimony. 

‘Hey dad I’ve been trying to resolve some immediate financial issues – alimony tuitions and my bill for this program but the cash I am counting on will not arrive until the end of the week. 

‘Is it possible to make me another short term loan in the same amount and I will send it back no later than 10 days.

‘I’m really embarrassed to ask and I know it’s unfair of me to put you in that position right now,’ Hunter wrote on December 4, 2018.

‘Hunt tell me what you need. No problem,’ the future President responded. ‘Ok how do you want to do this I can pay tuition directly and their housing and give you the rest.’ 

Biden senior messaged again on December 6 to confirm: ’75 being wired today. Love.’ 

Just one month earlier Hunter had texted his dad Joe complaining that he didn’t have enough money for the treatment program on top of bills and alimony, text messages show

Hunter celebrated Independence Day with his president father and his son Beau at the White House over the weekend

In another exchange weeks later, just before New Year’s Eve, Hunter messaged his father convincing him to fund a $20,000 three-month program at a ‘sober house’ and detox facility in New York City. 

A supportive Joe happily obliged, replying in a January 2, 2019 text to Hunter: ‘Just called Mel he will get 20 to your account this afternoon tomorrow morning at latest. He will contact me when transfer goes through.’

Hunter’s cellphone videos would later show, however, that he had gone to the wellness center in Massachusetts later that month instead. 

The video and corresponding messages are the latest compromising materials retrieved from backed up iPhone data on Hunter’s abandoned MacBook pro – the so-called ‘laptop from hell’. 

At his therapist’s behest, Hunter also underwent ketamine infusion therapy – a treatment for ‘drug resistant depression’. 

Hunter also referenced his ketamine regimen in a December 5, 2018 message to a female friend. 

‘That’s good baby what does it do,’ she replied. ‘Let’s get freaky tonight on webcam.’ 

In another text sent January 1, 2019, Hunter made it abundantly clear who was funding his unconventional treatments, writing: ‘By the way my dad is paying for whatever I need.’

The shocking video begins with Hunter floating naked on his back and touching his genitals 

 At times, the First Son, 52, can be seen gazing into his camera during the therapy session 

At one point he stands up and exits the tank before coming back into frame with his drugs and a White Claw hard seltzer

He then slips back into the water before lighting up and taking several hits from his pipe 

He was urged to visit the spa by his psychiatrist pal whom the First Son had turned to for help in his battle to kick drugs

There is no suggestion the staff at Blue Water Wellness were involved in his drug abuse or that anyone else knew what the father-of-five was getting up to as he lounged naked and all alone, in the secluded tank. 

The now-defunct Blue Water Wellness in Newburyport, Massachusetts

Hunter’s latest humiliation comes weeks after revealed that, despite his repeated denials, Joe Biden did talk to his son about his shady overseas business dealings.

A voicemail discovered on Hunter’s backed up data confirms the President called Hunter on December 12, 2018 saying he needed to discuss a New York Times report linking the First Son to Chinese oil giant CEFC. 

The Times story pointed out that CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his top lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted in the US for bribing African officials to help Iran evade oil sanctions. 

Ye had met with Hunter at a Miami hotel in 2017 to discuss ‘a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals.’ 

A text exchange from December 28, 2018 shows Hunter had proposed going into a $20,000 treatment facility in New York 

Joe later committed to wiring the $20,000 to his son, texts show, only for Hunter to go to the detox facility in Massachusetts later that month instead

Throughout the video, Hunter silently stares wild-eyed into the camera as ambient music plays softly in the background

After taking a few hits, he grabs a black cherry flavored White Claw and films himself drinking 

At one point he gazes into the camera and inches closer towards the recording device and appears to be under the influence 

And when Ho was arrested, he called Joe’s brother Jim Biden, according to the Times, who told the newspaper that he believed the call was meant for Hunter. 

After seeing the story online, Joe called Hunter and left a voicemail, saying: ‘Hey pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you. 

‘I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you’re clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you.’ 

The message was the latest piece of evidence presented exclusively by suggesting that the president lied about not talking foreign business with his son. 

In another example, the then-vice president attended a Washington, DC dinner with Hunter’s Ukrainian, Kazakh and Russian business associates in 2015. 

Joe Biden was last week revealed to have called Hunter in December 2018 saying he wanted to talk to him about a New York Times story on Hunter’s dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC

The Times’ 2018 story pointed out CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming (left) had been arrested in China and his lieutenant Patrick Ho(right) had been convicted in the US of bribery. Hunter accidentally recorded himself referring to Ho as the ‘spy chief of China’

Hunter told one of his guests in an email that the dinner was ‘ostensibly to discuss food security’, but was in fact an opportunity to introduce his potential clients and partners to his powerful father. 

The White House at first denied Joe’s attendance, then when photographs emerged of Joe there, it claimed it was only a brief stop by. 

He also met another of Hunter’s Chinese business partners, Jonathan Li, when he took his son on a 2013 Air Force 2 trip to China, and entertained Hunter’s Mexican billionaire business partners Carlos Slim and Miguel Aleman Velasco at the White House and the VP’s official residence. 

Emails on Hunter’s abandoned laptop published by show that Hunter and Joe shared a bank account and paid each other’s bills, while Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin did Joe’s taxes. 

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