Pasadena City College and Caltech issue lockdown with students and staff told to shelter in place during police activity | The Sun

STUDENTS and staff at two California colleges have been ordered to lock their doors and shelter in place.

The lockdown at Pasadena City College and Caltech comes as police activity has been reported near the campuses.

"Lock doors and shelter in place until further notice," Pasadena City College said on Twitter.

Neighboring university Caltech provided an update saying that Pasadena police are apprehending robbery suspects in the vicinity.

"If not on campus, do not come to campus," Caltech wrote.

"If on campus, please remain in place until you receive a release of the lock down order."

This information has not been confirmed by a law enforcement source to the Sun.

Pasadena City College said they would share more updates as they come available.

The city college is a community college located in the center of Pasadena.

California Institute of Technology, or Caltech, is a private top research school known for its strength in science and engineering.

Campus police confirmed to the Sun they are still on lockdown.

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