So, do YOU have a favourite gas ring? Study exposes our home habits

So, do YOU have a favourite gas ring? Study exposes our home habits

  • A quarter of 2,000 people polled for a survey have a ‘favourite’ cooker gas ring
  • Three quarters agreed that being a creature of habit was a very British trait

As a sensible person, it’s only natural that you read the Daily Mail every day. But in what other ways might you be a creature of habit?

According to a survey, there’s a very good chance that you like to do certain things in certain ways on a regular basis.

Of the 2,000 people polled, 57 per cent admitted enjoying a routine, such as drinking tea from the same mug every day, buying the same items and eating set dinners on repeat.

A quarter even admitted to having a ‘favourite’ gas ring on the cooker. Forty-five per do the same supermarket shop every week. 

And of the 33 per cent who use the same mug every day, a further 19 per cent claimed their tea just doesn’t taste the same otherwise.

A quarter even admitted to having a ‘favourite’ gas ring on the cooker

One in five admitted cooking the same meal every week, with spaghetti and roast chicken the most popular options.

Reading the same paper every day, sticking with the same brand of toothpaste and having the same sandwich every day for lunch are also ways in which we stick to our routines.

Three quarters of those surveyed agreed that being a creature of habit is a very British trait, while four in ten think that it makes life simpler.

Dr Angela Needle, of Hello Hydrogen, said: ‘We’re proud to be creatures of habit and it’s clear a lot of us prefer to keep things just as we like them.’

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