Why period pants are an essential now teens are back at school

Anyone who gets periods will remember the self-consciousness of those early years.

There was the constant fear of bleeding through school trousers – or, god forbid, leaving a red spot on classroom chairs – and PE lessons were clouded by a sense of worry that you might leak.

Given that an estimated 9% of girls start their period before reaching secondary school, many teens are also worried about getting their first during the school day.

While most educational establishments will have vending machines or freely-available menstrual products, being prepared for an unexpected visit from Aunt Flo is key to reducing your child’s anxiety around the topic.

That’s why leak-proof underwear brand Wuka is asking parents to consider packing period pants for their teens, in an effort to reduce shame and stigma while supporting their knowledge about their bodies.

Wuka has a full range of period pants for girls and teens, including first-period kits and back-to-school sets including handy items like period education books.

The range is also currently reduced in the sale, and you’ll a free waterproof wet bag when you buy a set until 30th September.

Period pants can have a positive impact on teens by boosting self-esteem and reducing anxiety during big moments like sports and exam season.

They also can help educate young people on the realities of menstruating and the importance of being prepared, as many expect them to be regular, every month – but this doesn’t always happen.

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