People left is disbelief after learning the meaning of the word laser

Did you know ‘laser’ is an acronym? People have their minds blown after discovering what the word stands for

  • The word laser is actually an acronym
  • It stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

People have been left ‘questioning everything’ after finding out the word ‘laser’ is actually an acronym.

Laser stands for ‘Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation’ and has been used to describe the technology since it was in development in the 1950s.

It is so commonly used many people never even though to question the complicate scientific meaning behind the name.

In fact hundreds appeared shocked after reading the revelation on Reddit.

‘Wait, what?’ one person asked while another laughed: ‘Yeah, you wouldn’t want to say ‘hey you got any light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation?’ to someone else.’ 

People have been shocked to discover the word laser is an acronym that stands for ‘Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation


Did you know the word laser is an acronym?

Did you know the word laser is an acronym?

Now share your opinion

‘If you make an acronym and the L stands for laser then you technically have an acronym in your acronym,’ a third pointed out. 

While others claimed it was ‘common knowledge’.

Some said they we skeptical as the word is spelled with a ‘z’ instead of an ‘s’ in some countries.

‘I find it hard to believe since, when I was young, laser was also known as laZer (in France, because of the Z sound),’ someone wrote. 

While others admitted it put arguments about the spelling to bed.

‘Spelling it with a z or using lase as a verb irritates me,’ one said. 

The term ‘laser’ was coined in the 1950s when the technology was developed in its early stages by Charles H. Townes and Arthur Shawlow. 

It was adapted from masers which is another acronym meaning ‘Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation’. 

Some shared other words many don’t realise are acronyms including taser, radar and scuba. 

Seven words you probably didn’t know were acronyms 

Source: BBC 

Laser isn’t the only word that is an acronym as other users listed the terms which have a hidden meaning.        

”Taser’ and ‘laser’ are both acronyms: TASER stands for ‘Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle’,’ one person noted. 

‘While we’re on the subject of acronyms the word RADAR is another one, stands for Radio Detection and Ranging. Not sure why they kept the A from Radio in it but thought it fit well here,’ a second added.  

‘S.C.U.B.A: Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus,’ another wrote.

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