17 new Emmerdale pictures reveal health trauma, Chas' new low and sex shock

Emmerdale lines up another action-packed and dramatic week, with shock revelations and high emotions aplenty.

If you’re eager to know all there is to know about what’s coming up, then waste not a second longer and grab a first look with picture gallery above!

It’s a big week for Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb), who decides its high-time to tell Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins) the truth about the baby – but Chloe Harris (Jessie Elland) begs him to reconsider.

Little do they know, however, that Sarah Sugden (Katie Hill) has overheard their entire conversation!

With Chloe having failed to convince Mack to keep shtum, the pair set about spilling the beans to Charity. But as they do, Sarah comes stumbling down the stairs, struggling to breathe.

An ambulance is summoned, as Mack supports Charity, who reveals that she’s worried about Sarah’s life-expectancy. The doctor later approaches with news – but just what fate lies ahead for Sarah?

Elsewhere in the Dales, Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt) makes his excuses when Bear (Joshua Richards) sets him up on a date. Chas (Lucy Pargeter), meanwhile, is taken aback when she overhears him bragging about being single, and therefore she flirtatiously banters with Kev the drayman, leaving him hurt.

Chas doesn’t stop there, trying to hurt poor Paddy again by giving him what for, claiming that his behaviour is controlling. 

Really, Chas? REALLY?

Mandy (Lisa Riley) clocks a bereft Paddy after his exchange with Chas and offers him a shoulder to cry on.

Paddy is struck by her words of comfort, and realising she knows exactly how he’s feeling, they open a bottle of wine and reminisce about days gone by, before ultimately locking eyes.

Emmerdale airs these scenes w/c Monday February 6 on ITV1 and ITVX.

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