Women threaten to go on sex strike over SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Women threaten to go on SEX STRIKE in protest over SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade as marches continue to erupt across the US and rioters in Portland smash windows

  • Pro-choice supporters are calling for a ‘sex strike’ in response to SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday
  • Many women who marched with thousands of protesters in New York City on Friday and Saturday held signs that read ‘No sex until we have abortion rights’ 
  • The hashtag #SexStrike began trending on Twitter following the protests
  • Protests are expected to carry on through the weekend in major cities 

Women are threatening not to have sex with men in protest of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Pro-choice supporters continued to rally through the weekend, now with calls on women to withhold sex from men ‘until abortion rights are federal law’ as calls for a nationwide sex strike also gain momentum on social media. 

Protests erupted on Friday following the court’s ruling to overturn women’s federal right to abortions, with 26 states expected to further restrict or outright ban abortions. 

‘Women of America: Take the pledge. Because SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, we cannot take the risk of an unintended pregnancy, therefore, we will not have sex with any man — including our husbands — unless we are trying to become pregnant,’ one Twitter user wrote.

‘I live in New York and I am DOUBLE FURIOUS with the Supreme Court. I want to find people who are coordinating a mass sex strike. That is our power,’ another woman raged. ‘Women have the power here. No more sex until abortion rights are federal law.’

There were also calls for ‘sex strike’ across the country as terms including #SexStrike and #abstinence began trending online. 

Another supporter wrote on Twitter: ‘Womxn! Calling for a national #sexstrike ✊ No sex with men until women’s rights are codified by law. #Allmen #Underhiseye.’

‘Perhaps a #sexstrike (also known as #abstinence) would help the men folk to be all in on this #womensrights issue,’ another Twitter wrote. 

Others posted a graphic that read: #SexStrike. If our choices are denied, so are yours.’

By Sunday, most of the protests had remained peaceful apart from a pickup truck that drove through a group of demonstrators in Cedar Rapids, running over a woman’s foot. And in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday night, a group of protesters smashed windows and vandalized several buildings. 

Pro-choice supporters are threatening to deny men sex and calls for a nationwide sex strike begin trending on social media with the hashtag #sexstrike

A protester in New York City holds a sign saying ‘No sex with men until Roe v Wade is protected’

Many held signs with calls for women to withhold sex from men until abortion rights are federal law as protests erupted on Friday following the court’s ruling to overturn women’s federal right to abortions

One Twitter user reminds women they have the power and to deny sex until abortion rights are federal law

Twitter users use the hashtag #sexstrike to protest until abortion rights are law

Many women protested in person and online with calls for women to withhold sex from men until abortion rights are federal law

Brianna Campbell, 24, was among the thousands marching in the New York City streets this weekend.  

‘If you’re a man who won’t get a vasectomy, even though it’s reversible, and you’re not out in the streets fighting for my rights, you do not deserve to have sex with me,’ Campbell told The New York Post.  

‘I think it’s absolutely valid for us to be withholding the Holy Grail that men seem to think is important,’ Caroline Healey told The Post during a protest in Union Square on Saturday.  

‘Why shouldn’t we withhold it if we’re always worried that they’re not going put a condom on, that they’re going take one off after we ask them to,’ she added.

Others posted a graphic that read: #SexStrike. If our choices are denied, so are yours.’


Others called for women to never have sex with Republicans 

Friday’s demonstrations mostly passed off without incident — although police fired tear gas on protesters in Phoenix, Arizona and a pickup truck drove through a group of protesters in the Iowa city of Cedar Rapids, running over a woman’s foot.

But on Saturday, protests turned violent in downtown Portland, Oregon where a large group was seen smashing windows and vandalizing several buildings with messages targeting the Supreme Court, Fox News reported. 

Scrawled in black spray paint on one building was: ‘Death to SCOTUS.’ Another message read: ‘Abort the Court.’  

Other messages in spray paint included, ‘Abolish schools,’  and ‘ACAB,’ which is a reference to anti-police.

The group also smashed windows of a Starbucks and of a Tesla car. 

Scrawled in black and red spray paint on one building in Portland was: ‘Death to SCOTUS.’ Another message read: ‘Abort the Court’ (pictured) Protesters posed with the graffiti 

Graffiti is seen on the Library of Congress while abortion rights demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. on Friday

Protesters in South Carolina clashed with police on Saturday as thousands continued their outrage against the Supreme Court’s decision to end the landmark abortion ruling by holding demonstrations in Washington, D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and all across the country. 

The Greenville chaos erupted when hundreds overcrowded the streets and six people were arrested by police, who were filmed tackling demonstrators after they were told to disband following the scheduled 1 p.m. finish. 

Chaos erupted in Greenville, South Carolina when police tackled four men to the ground to arrest them after the crowd failed to disband after one hour of protest. Demonstrators claimed police tased one of the men

Protesters clashed with police in Los Angeles during the second day of demonstrations

When about 500 protesters showed up and exceeded the time limit, Greenville police officers told the crowd to disband as pro-choice demonstrators began confronting anti-abortion protesters. 

Police said six people were arrested after failing to comply with warnings and trying to interfere with arrests, and officials claimed pepper spray and stun guns were not used. 

However, video of the scene of the arrests depicted the tense situation as police were filmed tackling four men to the floor while a woman was screaming, ‘Look at what he’s doing. He’s tasing him.’ 

An investigation over the incident is underway, police officials said. 

On day three of the protests this weekend, emotional protests and prayer vigils turned to resolve as several states enacted bans and both supporters and opponents of abortion rights mapped out their next move.

Women in states that severely restrict abortion or outlaw it altogether will either have to continue with their pregnancy, undergo a clandestine abortion, obtain abortion pills, or travel to another state where it remains legal. 

But ‘most women don’t have the time of day or the financial resources to travel across state lines to get an abortion,’ Mikayla Marcum, a 23-year-old originally from Texas, told AFP at the Supreme Court on Saturday.

‘We are going to see some nightmare scenarios, sadly,’ Biden’s spokeswoman Karine Jean Pierre told reporters on Air Force One, as the president headed to Europe for Group of Seven and NATO summits.

In New York, protesters gathered at Union Square Park calling out the Supreme Court decision. It was relatively peaceful compared to Friday’s protest, which saw 25 arrested in the city

In Atlanta, many gathered outside the Georgia’s capitol to protest the expected implementation of a sex-week abortion ban

One demonstration saw dozens lying down in front of the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals (pictured) 

Missouri was first to ban the procedure on Friday, making no exception for rape or incest, joined as of Saturday morning by at least seven other states — Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Utah.

In Wisconsin, where an 1849 law banning abortion except when saving the life of the mother may go into effect, Governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, vowed to offer clemency to any doctors who face prosecution, according to local media.

In its ruling, the Supreme Court tossed out the argument in Roe v. Wade that women had the right to abortion based on the constitutional right to privacy with regard to their own bodies.

Several Democratic-ruled states, anticipating an influx of patients, have already taken steps to facilitate abortion, and three of them — California, Oregon and Washington — issued a joint pledge to defend access in the wake of the court’s decision.

Abortion providers said they had seen a surge in donations since the ruling, as they braced for the long hard road ahead.

‘In the 24 hours following the court’s devastating decision, Planned Parenthood …saw a 40-fold total increase in donations compared to a typical day — more than half of whom are new donors,’ Kelley Robinson, vice president of advocacy at the largest abortion provider in the United States, said in a statement to AFP.

‘This is just the beginning, and we won’t back down,’ she said.

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